Friday, November 23, 2007

Not so Turkey Day

Quick little post for post Thanksgiving. This is what I ended up making for dinner: Quail pan seared in butter with truffled mash, parsley salad and roasted beet salad. The app didn't work out which is to bad since I was looking forward to it.

I'm also fairly disappointed in all these so called "Black Friday" sales! Not one thing worth buying. Looks to me like they just put overstocked junk out there and figure people will buy it since its such a "good deal". Whatever. Went for a chilly ride this morning and put in 25 miles in 30F temps. There was ice on the ground, thankfully I missed it!

1 comment:

julie said...

i'm with you on the "sales." no bikes on discount, nothing nice available. just the crappy low-end stuff on sale, and by the time i slept in and went running, it wasn't on sale anywah. Bah. Buy nothing day, a self-fulfilled prophecy!