Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Day Late...

I was all excited this morning to write a nice review of book I got for xmas. Thankfully I checked BKW and he beat me to it! Although I do have to admit he writes much better than me. All I can say is that you should pick up a copy of "Paris-Roubaix: A Journey Through Hell". The photos alone are worth the price.

Ok, now I'm going to have to just ramble on about nothing in particular!

We had our monthly team meeting on Sunday and had a great turnout along with getting some great business done. Being an "official" USAC team we have to hold some sort of event during the year. A road race is just waaaay to expensive and time consuming, we can't do a MTB race because the forest preserve will not allow it at Palos, and the track is strictly controlled by Northbrook! So our tentative plans are to do a cyclocross clinic at the beginning of the cross season. Thankfully we have multiple team members that work for the city in one form or another so they are going to take care of all the red tape to get a park. Our kits should be showing up very soon and I couldn't be more excited! The kit from my previous team is the biggest POS, I can literally see through the bibs like a piece of cheesecloth. Never again will I buy anything from Champ-Sys.

Otherwise the winter grim and salt has taken its tole on my Tarmac. The cranks are very tight and need to cleaned out. Granted I have been riding that rig through all kinds of gunk, you gotta expect these things to happen.

1 comment:

Doctor Who said...

I love getting my bike dirty with you.